by dikshithajain99 | Dec 28, 2024 | Blog
Infographics for SEO are like cherry on top of the cake – they make something good even better! Whenever we search for a topic, we look for something which can quickly and concisely explain what we need to know. And that is also why we need to create infographics that...
by dikshithajain99 | Dec 25, 2024 | Blog
Want to craft perfect social media graphics? First let’s understand why social media graphics are important. Imagine your social media page as a cake base. The theme of your page is the filling inside the cake. Now the graphics? They are the frosting, sprinklers and...
by dikshithajain99 | Dec 23, 2024 | Blog
Knowing about Typography trends is crucial because text is the element viewers search for first to understand the context of the design. If it’s not done right, it can quickly turn into a ‘typo’ instead of a ‘type’. Typography is so much more than just a design...
by dikshithajain99 | Dec 18, 2024 | Blog
Stream? Binge!Fit? Drip!Meanwhile babies… Tatatata! From words to vibes, it’s a whole different world for each generation! Therefore generational marketing strategies should be used depending on the age group the brand caters to. Marketing strategies should be...
by dikshithajain99 | Dec 15, 2024 | Blog
Trends come and go, just like people in our lives, but minimal graphic design is that old school friend who will never leave – timeless and here to stay. Minimal graphic design has been a central trend in designing for years and will continue to be thanks to its...